Geodesic System
We were commissioned to design and develop a series of timber geodesic domes clad in tensioned fabric. We designed 12m and 15m diameter domes which can be used as fully enclosed or in a stage configuration.
The significant part of any geodesic system is the node connection. This had to be robust enough to withstand multiple installations whilst being light, easily manufactured and simply installed. The finally designed node comprises a simple tubular stub with welded fin plates.

Enhanced Load Capacity
The timbers are bolted to the plates via toothed plate shear connectors. This provides both an enhanced load capacity for the timber to steel joint and serves as protection of the timber bolt holes.
The fabric lays directly onto the timber framing with perimeter tensioning achieved through a bar in a pocket ratcheted to the lower perimeter timbers. The base legs are spigotted to allow for levelling the dome onto undulating ground.
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The Basketball Arena London
With our extensive experience in the design of tensile fabric systems, long span steel structures and demountable buildings, Fenton Holloway were the obvious choice to provide an alternative design for the design and build contractor Barr Ltd.